Metal Fabrication 101


Metal Fabrication 101


If you've already taken Welding 101 and Welding 201 with Mr. G, then you're ready for "Metal Fabrication 101"

This is learning to cut and weld your first project!

If you have a project you want to work on or a project in mind, this could be the session for you. You can try out using scrap metal to practice your welds under supervision.

Please manage expectations. It is very unlikely you will finish a project in this session. It's meant to guide you through the process of fabricating something.  You will finish the project at home or if you come back to another session.

Scrap metal is limited so if you need more, I recommend purchasing your materials ahead of class. Come to the Metal Supermarket, let them know what you're working on and you could pre-purchase your material.

Please email or call Mr. G to let him know what you plan on working on.

Upcoming Classes:

Stay tuned for more!

Metal Supermarket, 80 Hobart Street, Hackensack, NJ

$225 per person

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